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Dental Equilibration

Correcting existing malocclusions by reducing over grown teeth on the incisor plane and molar arcades to ensure proper mastication of feedstuffs. This ultimately aids in the prevention of periodontal disease and premature tooth loss.

Detection of Periodontal Disease
 Allows the attending veterinarian to begin treatment of and prevent the spread of infection to the surrounding teeth.

Oral Examinations
Includes extensive charting of the horse's mouth. New patients
 will often have intra-oral and external pictures taken to assess the symmetry of the skeletal system in relationship to malocclusions found in the mouth.

Performance, Management and Dental History
Prior to working on a horse, I like to get an extensive history of the horse including how he/she moves under saddle and performance goals. Existing feed management practices as well as previous joint injections and injuries, Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Dental history.



Deciduous, Wolf Tooth and Diseased Tooth Removal
24 deciduous teeth will be lost between the ages of 2 1/2 and 4 1/2 (depending upon the breed). By making sure these teeth are lost naturally or extracted, we aide in  preventing malocclusion from forming. A common misconception, not every horse will have wolf teeth (not to be confused with canine teeth most often found in male horses). It is possible for horses to have many wolf teeth and removal of these teeth will make riding more enjoyable for both the horse and rider. Removal of diseased teeth is often the only way to rid your horses body of infection. Infection can be diagnosed by the attending veterinarian-removal of permanent teeth will require pre and post procedural veterinary care.

The more you know about the role dentistry plays in the overall function of the horse, the easier it will be for you as a responsible horse owner to recognize the subtle signs your horse may be giving you. Through education, riding and simple observation, you can become more in tune with any changes that are taking place in your horse's mouth. Once you and your horse have experienced the benefits of proper dental maintenance, neither one of you will be satisfied with your
old routine.

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